| about

Megatron Technology has been building and maintaining computer networks since 1990. For the past 32 years, we have seen "new technology" become obsolete, witnessed the rise and fall of the biggest tech-companies, and helped numerous businesses cope with the ever-changing technology landscape.

We don't claim to be the best at everything, but we are certain of our expertise in building, maintaining, and securing computer networks.

At Megatron Technology, we focus on building quality networks. No solution is simply plug-and-play—every project starts with a careful examination of the customer's network and ends with the hand-over of a network which is reliable and highly optimized.

We have worked with all sorts of companies, ranging from small-business to multi-national, education to banking, non-profit to luxury retail. We know what works best for you, so you can be assured that your computer network behaves exactly the way it should for your business to excel.